January Ramblings
It is the middle of January. How is the no-buy year going? Well, I've made two purchases. A sorting tray for the workshop and a self-help book. In my defense, I did go to the library website to see if anything in the was available for the book. We'll see how the next two weeks evolve. Planning and budgeting meals is a big undertaking. I'm doing about three extra hours of work per day for the meals. Low budget shopping, cooking, and planning food to fit within two different dietary guidelines is a lot of work. If dinner arrives hot and on time, thank the cook profusely and help with the clean up. Help with the kids and pets. Help reset the house so that the morning goes smoothly. Pick up the shoes and socks! Since, I'm on a food tirade, ask before eating the last nibble of cheese. That bit of cheese wrapped up and languishing in the corner of the refrigerator has really been hidden. It was hoping to make it to the topping of tomorrow's casserole. Ask! There proba...