Yesterday was successful, but not the the ways I expected. The external chores, those pertaining to shopping, banking, and the pharmacy went well. The internal chores less so. The cold weather certainly isn't helping.
Today is colder still. We have cleaning of the bedroom still to finish. The 2025 household budget needs to be completed. Our monthly budget is broken five ways to Tuesday as corporate inflation has taken over.
We have cancelled all subscriptions. Cancelled the house phone. Yes, we still had one. There is no TV and its needs. The cat has lost its healthcare insurance because it doubled in price.
We are about to lose our healthcare coverage as our carrier is not going to including our local providers in their covered network. We will have to find all new providers along with many, many others. We are a rural community and there are few providers as is. I think most of us will not be able to reestablish primary care physicians and therefore have no access to healthcare other the emergency room.
We power down in the evening and go to bed, because electricity is 16% more costly. I'll bet water is next. I worry about the house insurance because of national problems. Gas is still $3 a gallon and eggs are $5.50 a dozen. The system isn't working any longer.
And yes, I am complaining. My bootstraps are stretched to the breaking point and I know that other folks have broken their bootstraps years ago. We have been lucky up to this point, but no longer.
The dark ages have come again.