Friday, January 15, 2016

Back to Success; Vogue 8689 Again

The previous project, the Butterick shirt dress, B6091, left me with lots of left over fabric. This particular fabric was generous in the width and all those godets in the shirt dress skirt were not fabric saving in any way. I had enough fabric left over for a shirt with sleeves!

I immediately went back to my newest pattern Vogue 8689. Patience and organization allowed me to cut a three-quarter sleeved shirt which will be perfect for my Saturday jeans.

I needed to piece the back yoke, but that was the only change I had to make in order to cut all the pieces. A quick basting and a flat felled seam solved the problem and I was neatly on my way.

I used flat felled seaming through out construction.

The cotton fabric and pattern performed beautifully.

An absolute success! A+ across all categories. 

I think I'm going to see a lot of Vogue 8689 in my closet after this!

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