Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Dinner Napkins

      I cleaned out my linen closet today and found I had three fitted sheets that had worn to the point of not being useful as bed linens. Are they ready for the rag bag? Absolutely not. There are to be reborn as everyday napkins for the dinner table. Here's how.

      This is what you will need to get started. In addition to the old sheets, you'll need a pair of scissors, a measuring tape and some sort of marker; either tailors chalk, a fabric marker or even a soft pencil.

The next step is to cut off the elastic and corner seams from the fitted sheets. Just cut them off, don't bother to unpick them.  Next, cut or tear the sheets into napkin squares. I use a 18" square. After serge finishing the edges with a rolled hem, I get a 17" to 17.5" square. This is a generous napkin for the family dinner table. You can cut your squares any size you wish.

After tearing the sheets into squares, I give them a very, very quick pressing. This gives me the opportunity to throw out any squares which have poor fabric from the worn spots in the original sheets. They are also a bit flatter for ease in hemming the edges.

At this point, I have more than twenty new napkins that are ready for hemming. I am out of white cone thread to finish this project, so the prepared squares are placed in a grocery bag and I note the need for thread on my sewing room shopping list. This project goes on my PIGS shelf for now. When I get a few things on my list, I'll make a trip to the sewing store for all the things on my list.

"PIGS?", you ask. "Yes, PIGS, Projects In Grocery Sacks. I always have several projects going at once. It's just the way I work in my creative space.

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