Monday, September 28, 2015

Still more Dots - Vogue V8689

      I still had yardage leftover, even after cutting a circle skirt and a sleeveless blouse. What to do? What to do? I decided to make a "wearable" muslin from this new pattern, well, as least new to me.

     This is Vogue V8689. It's a tailored shirt with two collar variations, two lengths and three different sleeves. It also comes in B,C, and D bust drafts. It's a Vogue Pattern, a company which as always been reliable for me. The versatility would give me 12 different style variations, quite enough for a tailored shirt.

     Although, there is no such thing as a wearable muslin, I was quite willing to attempt this new pattern with nothing more than a quick check of the pattern pieces on my dress form and see if I got a decent fitting shirt out of my time. In my experience, Vogue does a good job with pattern drafting, particularly with these wardrobe building patterns. I'm hoping for a standard shirt pattern that will be with me for decades.

Here's the result to the right.
Garment Finish: A
        The pattern was straight forward and easy to work. I made all the seams flat felled and the blouse is nearly as nice inside as out.

Fit:  A
         Excellent fit. I used the C cup draft and I had no problems with the front packet gaping at the bustline.

Material Choice:  A
         Just as the last project, this printed cotton was a good choice for ease of construction.

Style and Wearability:  A
         The shirt is great wardrobe extender. It can be worn with jeans, skirts, and shorts.

Overall: A  Nailed it! I will file this pattern with my gold standards! Vogue 8689 is well worth the investment even at full price. This is a classic tailored shirt for any wardrobe.

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