Wednesday, February 14, 2018

The Barnyard in the Bath

The chicken curtains are finished. They are most definately a statement.

The window is huge and sunny and directly overlooking the house next door. Curtains are a must in this bathroom. The mustard colored walls have to stay that way. So the second I saw this fabric, I knew I had to have it. There was only one and a half meters on the bolt at the fabric store. I had to have this fabric so bad, I learned how to order fabric in French in about three milliseconds. Fabric insanity must be the way forward for language acquisition.

Here it is up close.

After finishing these curtains, I still hadn't satisfied my need for all this chickeny goodness. I went back to the store and bought another two meters and made a table cloth. Now it's "cluck, cluck, cluck" in the bath as well as at the dinner table.

 I need to stop before they are everywhere. "Brawwwwk.....braww...brawww.....brawwwwk!"  "You cackle with uncanny realism. This scares me," says my dear husband.

Now, it is nearly March. The winter was a tough one and it is not over yet. Weather and health were the two main foci. The snow and ice have...