Friday, March 16, 2018

More Crocheting and Another Doily

This was a free pattern available on the Internet from the Antique Pattern Library.  Corticelli originally published the pattern in 1919 in a pamphlet entitled, “Lessons in Crochet: Book 5”.  It is a very large and beautiful table centerpiece doily, a true masterpiece.  The original pattern requires “Princess” Pearl Cotton and the finished doily measured 37 inches in diameter.  The original materials for this project are no longer available. I chose a popular cotton crochet thread and bought two spools, thus giving myself over 1000m of yarn.

This took awhile to complete. There were over 60 rows to this pattern and not all of the directions were entirely clear. Thank goodness for the internet and its many resources for photos of finished projects and other notes. My finished doily is 25 inches in diameter. It's now on a oak reading table in the library.

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