Wednesday, December 25, 2024

 We are preparing for a no buy year. This is the first time we will have to think about EVERY THING we need including groceries. We started by developing a budget and worked on reducing things like utilities and insurance. We are taking the savings here and putting it away to handle the increased deductibles. 

The tough part is finding the ability to repair items rather than tossing them. I just spent nearly $10 on a spool of white thread for repairs. I know that used to be under $5. What has happened to the price of things?

Thursday, December 12, 2024

Monday, November 18, 2024

 Two days left before winter rains arrive. This is the promise we've been waiting almost six weeks for. The garden must be dug. The leaves must be raked and the acorns gathered. This will be a busy two days.

Thursday, November 14, 2024

 Winter Menu     

Roasted fowl with garden herbs

Winter fruit and vegetable slaw

Baked root vegetable

Green vegetable

Baked apple bars


Roasted chestnuts or mixed nuts

Often menus are left open ended, such as the one above. Green vegetable can mean anything that you prefer, is available, or you can afford. Adapt this menu for yourself, your kitchen and your purse.

Wednesday, November 13, 2024

 Wednesday and the weather has turned. It is cold in the mornings and slow to warm up. There are only a few hours a day to be outside before I am stiff with cold. It is time to turn inward and nest.

Saturday, November 9, 2024

The storm windows are painted. The leaves have fallen and they need raked away from the house. There has been no rain this fall. The fire danger is very high. Leaves need to be cleared from the orchard. The leaves provide cover for mice and voles that damage the young trees in the winter. All wildlife is hungry this fall. It has be near seventy degrees this November; that's not right.

Wednesday, November 6, 2024

Now, it is nearly March. The winter was a tough one and it is not over yet. Weather and health were the two main foci. The snow and ice have...