Wednesday, January 7, 2015

The New Year and A Finished Slim Chemise Dress

Hallelujah! The Slim Chemise Dress, Vogue 7231 from Vogue's New Book for Better Sewing (1952) is finished. This is a first for me in that I started with only a photograph and a general drawing of the pattern pieces. Normally when I copy something, I have either the actual garment to copy or a good photo and a similar pattern from which I alter the pattern to give me the specific details. In this case, I did not have any pattern that was remotely similar.

I find drafting from scratch hard and time consuming. I know I would benefit greatly from a well-developed course on pattern drafting but time, location, and funding have put that off for the a while.

I am reasonably pleased with the results of the dress. It's a bright sunny morning today. I'm hoping photos will happen this afternoon.

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