Thursday, January 8, 2015

Vogue 7231 - 1952 The Slim Chemise Dress - Three more drafts later....

and I don't mean beers, although in retrospect it might have helped. I arrived at this interpretation of the Slim Chemise Dress. There was one glaring error that I didn't see until it was too late.

Here is the toile for the third draft. I thought, "Great! I've got it." Looking back, all I see is the error glaring at me front and center.

I chose some cotton print for this first attempt at a real garment. I decided on these two complementary leaf motif prints and I decided to make a blouse from this pattern rather than a full dress. The brown print will the main body of the shirt, while the green will be the cuffs and interfacings.

  I decided to add a little detail to the sleeves by putting four buttons and loops for each sleeve cuff. I wanted it to appear as if the cuffs buttoned on to the sleeve.

 I wanted it to appear as if the cuffs buttoned on to the sleeve.
The finished garment and its neckline error? The jewel neckline is too narrow and it pulls the front slash open. The shirt can never be worn with this pulled closed as seen on the Vogue pattern, but the shirt is wearable if only for Saturdays about the house.

The blouse modeled by the sewer.  My apologies for the grim face and poor lighting. I can't believe I made that mistake and winter in northern Europe only has so much daylight in any one week.

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