Saturday, February 27, 2016


Several years ago, I had the unfortunate pleasure of a very long recovery from an illness. Weak and ill-tempered, there wasn't much I was able to do for many weeks and McKenna Ryan came to the rescue.

I had purchased several of her small quilts as kits from a clearance sale at my local quilting store and had put them away as aspirational projects.
I got them out during this recovery period and proceeded to cut out and iron-on the hundreds of individual pieces in about thirty different shades of green, rust and grey. When I got to the quilting stage, I couldn't yet sit that long at the sewing machine, so I put them away and life took over. I recently found them again and with a few pointers from my sister, the master quilter, here is my first attempt at free motion quilting. It's good enough as a start or experiment, but it really isn't my favorite sewing pastime.  This is the first of five; there are four more to finish.

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