Your ironing equipment should consist of an good quality iron, a sturdy padded cotton covered ironing board, a cotton or linen press cloth, a water spray bottle, and a Turkish towel.Of these basic ironing things there are several which don't necessarily need to be purchased from a sewing store or be brand new. I have already stated the linen press cloth can be an old tea towel. You'll want the smooth kind of towel and not the hand towels made from terry cloth. A water spray bottle is probably hidden about the house also. Look around and reuse items. Most everyone has an old bath towel in a light color than will serve as extra padding for your ironing. If not, check a garage sale, thrift shop, or Mom's basement for these items.
Now for the most basic sewing kit list, many of these items you may already have. Gather them up and put them all together in a box.
The Box: Use a shoe box or an old cookie tin. Many households have old plastic containers from past organizational sprees that can be reused. You may even have a dress box or shirt box in the gift wrapping stash. If all else fails, save the cardboard box from your last mail order. My point here is: do not go out and buy things. There are plenty of holidays to come when you will need gift suggestions for your nearest and dearest. A fancy sewing box is a great gift.....AT A LATER TIME!
I can't tell you how many times I've gone to a garage sale and have seen an old sewing kit in one of these. Many of you will have one of these tins about the house. It's perfect for your sewing/mending kit. It's dry, dust free and you keep your tools away from your kids' crafting and any thing else going on in the house that will scatter your hard work to the four corners of the world.
A Six or Twelve Inch Ruler: You probably have one around the house. Choose a sturdy one with clear easy to read markings. A clear plastic ruler is good. There are many fancy rulers available, but to start your sewing collection, simple is best and the kind you might send to school with your child is perfectly fine.
A Yardstick: Again, you may have one around the house. Locate it. You will need it if you hem a skirt or draw a long line on fabric for home decorating.
Needles: Right next to the display of pins will be needles, buy a small assorted selections. Ten to twenty needles will last a lifetime for a mending kit.
For an absolute beginner, however, I recommend buying a new pair of $10-$15 dollar dressmaking shears from the large sewing store or online. If you are particularly budget minded, a new pair of "orange" handled scissors from the office supply store will be just fine. The point, here, is that they are new! Don't go to the kitchen drawer and re-purpose old scissors. Even the new "orange" scissors will suffice for cutting fabric for your first six or seven projects before becoming to dull. By that time, you will know if sewing is going to be a long term love or a see ya' later frustration. At that time, you can make the investment for new high quality shears and "retire" your old scissors to be your paper scissors in the sewing room. If you are saying goodbye to sewing then your basic sewing kit can remain in its' box as a simple home mending kit. It will be ready and stocked for all your small clothing emergencies.
Small Assortment of Buttons: I actually don't think you should buy an assortment of buttons, but rather find a small container and begin saving your own buttons. Those extras that come with your coat and get put in a drawer and lost. They belong here. A shirt you have torn beyond repair should be salvaged for its' buttons. The same with other clothing that is going in the garbage. Look them over for buttons, hooks and eyes and reusable zippers. You will be amazed at what you can save from your cast offs.
A mechanical pencil: I suggest a mechanical pencil because it remains sharp all the time. Keeping extra lead in you sewing box will help you if you end up doing a lot of sewing.
Assorted Thread: For your basic sewing kit, your should choose some spools of sewing thread. Choose small spools in basic colors. I would suggest white and black thread at the minimum, then depending on your own wardrobe colors add others. Begin by considering khaki or beige, navy, grey, and red. Thread for growing children's school uniforms in the proper colors would be a smart choice also.

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