Sunday, October 23, 2016

Endive Salad

Mother-in-law's Endive Salad

This is a recipe where there are no exact quantities but rather some approximate ratios to observe. You may adjust the quantities based on your personal taste or ingredient availability.

   Curly endive
   Two or three small boiled, cooled and peeled white potatoes.
   White vinegar
   Pumpkin seed oil
Wash and tear enough curly endive to fill your salad bowl.  Slice the potatoes thinly. Make a dressing. The pumpkin seed oil is strongly flavored and the amount of salt is high for the salad. You really want to have just a small amount of dressing. For the salad pictured above, which is four generous portions, I used 1 Tablespoon of pumpkin seed oil, 2 tsp white vinegar, and 1/2 tsp of salt. Blend well with a fork and dress the salad. Toss well before serving.

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