Friday, April 7, 2017

A One Meter Shirt

I had big plans for chemise silhouette dresses. Not only did I have one meter of olive twill in my stash, I had one meter of a matching woven stripe. When the plans crashed and burned, I had more stash than any woman has a right to own. I believe in reusing my mistakes and these two projects are a result of a poor choice. This is one reason why you will not often see me choosing bright colors and large prints. I change my mind about fabrics and patterns often and by the time I actually sew something the game plan has changed a dozen times.

The plan for these fabrics was the striped dress on the right, from a Japanese pattern book call "Feminine Wardrobe" by Jinko Matsumoto. It became the photo on the left, as skirt from Butterick 4461 and the shirt from McCall's 2094.

Image result for feminine wardrobe japanese sewing book

 McCall's 2094 is a tried and true pattern for me. I don't even think that it is published any longer. These little shirts have been part of my wardrobe for nearly a decade. I've done a FBA on the pattern years ago and I prefer the short and sleeveless versions of this shirt.

Here's a closer photo of the collar and the fabric. This is more utilitarian sewing. There is nothing fancy about this. It is more about using the resources I already have to make something that I will use for many years to come.

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