Monday, April 3, 2017


Remember these blouses? I quickly tossed them on the floor, took a photo and moved on to more sewing. My sewing room has seen a lot of thread this spring. I finally had some time today and a clean room, so I took some more photos. Here are some closer views of the blouse on the right.

The back of the collar is secured with two buttons with self fabric loops. This version of the blouse has an open neckline and you don't really need to use these buttons to put the blouse on, but they are a very nice visual detail. The other version of the blouse with the higher jewel neckline has these also and there you most definitely would need to open the collar to get the blouse on or off.

Here is a full view of the back. There is a side seam zipper on the left.

This is the front detail. There are a bunch of fiddly little pleats going left and right. Choosing a stable fabric, cutting accurately and marking carefully are critical for this pattern detail.

This is the finished blouse. It's all over tiny print makes it nearly a neutral olive green grey texture. I happen to like this print best of all the three I've made from this pattern this spring.

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