Just over two years ago, I wrote about a knitting project on this blog,
The Bluebell Sweater. This month I frogged, or dismembered, dismantled, unpicked and unraveled this sweater. And here are the photos to prove it.
The sweater stretched to size XXL. |
The yarn which gave me the sweater and its problems. |
The unpicked skeins plus two unused balls. |
The yarn soaking in cold water overnight. |
Draining like spaghetti for teenage boys. |
Laying the yarn in a towel |
Tied for the dryer. |
Everything I have, all balled up. |
And that my friends, is two days of work. One to unpick and put the skeined yarn to soak. The second to dry the yarn and reball it. I also went shopping after soaking the yarn and found a new pattern for the old yarn plus two more balls of brown which you see in the above photo. More later....
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