Monday, May 12, 2014

New Look 6808 is finished!

     Here's the linen blouse finished and on my dressmaker's dummy. It looks like I didn't press it, but those are just the wrinkles from getting it onto "Judy". I think the fit will be good around the bust, but I'm a bit worried about the neckline again. When I scale up in pattern size to make the D-cup bust adjustments less radical, I often find that pattern makers assume my head, neck, shoulders and just about everything else is large too. I need to find the balance between being able to use a commercial pattern and having to redraft it so much that I might as well save the money and start my own self-drafted pattern stash.

     Pictured below is the finished blouse on me. The neckline is a little large. I will have to be careful about which bra I wear with this blouse. Next time I make this, I'll choose a size smaller on the commercial pattern and scale up the bust adjustment. It's wearable, but it could be improved. (B on fit, A- on choice of materials, and A on finish = B+/A- overall on the project.)

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