Sunday, May 25, 2014

Oh my Word!....It's everything

everyone says it is. VoNBBS was available at the downtown library and I got to look at it for the better part of two weeks. Not all the projects in the book are applicable to me and my lifestyle, but enough of them are for me to copy some of them. So first up. The project that doesn't require much skill at pattern drafting, the full gathered skirt. Yes, here comes Vogue 7375 in black and white gingham as seen in 1952.

This is basically a dirndl skirt and I'm not sure this is a good fit for my figure issues. I can guaranty the additional project of the halter dress from this pattern will never see the light of day. I am full-figured and short waisted and well past the age where an open back is sexy. I'd have to nail down that halter top with industrial double-sided duct tape and then be plastered into the next year to wear that one. But the skirt is safe, so let's try it.

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