Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Vogue 7375 - 1952: The Full Gathered Skirt

I took some notes about materials needed from VoNBBS and noticed there was no mention of interfacing material or seam bindings. There was some mention of hem tapes. It was then I decided to ignore the "how to sew" portion of the directions and take advantage of some of the materials we have today and some of the sewing know-how I've picked up over the years.

The drawings in the book gave me a good idea of the shapes of the pattern pieces and I used my own measurements along with the standard widths of today's yard goods to make up a basic cutting plan.

I gathered up most of the things I need to have on hand from my stash. The white fabric at the top of the photo is some cotton organza that I'll use to interface the waistband. I'll also use a small scrap of iron-on interfacing around the zipper opening. I think I bought the zipper because I felt white would be a better match. I also noted the plaid on the gingham was 1 inch square. This will figure into the plaid matching that  must happen and it suggests an 1/2 inch seam rather than the home sewing pattern standard of 5/8 inch. So now I'm ready to draft my first paper....three rectangles.

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