Friday, September 26, 2014

A Circle Skirt in Plaid.

Can I do a circle skirt in plaid? It certainly has been done before judging by the number of images in Pinterest. Here's my choice for the fall. It's a cotton gaberdine with an uneven plaid in many fall leafy colors. I think I should be able to wear just about any color with this skirt.
I spent a lot....I mean a lot of time hand basting the plaid at the seam line. The narrow lines needed to match and there was not any room for error.
The photo is of the basted zipper, but you can see the plaid match at this seam clearly at this point. I'm very happy with the result so far.
The finished skirt with a vintage chunky knit sweater. Thanks Mom! Popcorn ball sweaters are right on trend again!

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