The Next VoNBBS Project - The Chemise Dress or the Portrait Neckline Blouse?
The two easiest patterns for beginning pattern drafting will be the Chemise Dress and the Portrait Neckline Blouse.
I'm very tempted to start here with Vogue 7231 because is looks so modern. We are still wearing this shape today. Here's a modern pattern for essentially the same look. Although, please Vogue be careful of your fabric choice and construction before using the sample as the pattern photo.
However, after looking at the general shape of the pattern pieces from the original pattern, I'm doubting myself.
For heavens sake, look at them. There's not much there. There is nothing to hang a T-square or triangle on. There are few discernible points to begin with back and front and a slight indication of a front bust dart, but other than that the pattern lacks definition. I think this could be very easy to get very wrong very quickly, especially since the fabric in my stash is a plaid. I want to show off the bias cuffs but the rest of the dress had better match. Being off grain will not be acceptable on this project. I think a solid fabric might hide these fundamental pattern errors and I wish to avoid them at all cost.
....Actually, anything to delay cracking open that textbook and evaluating myself next to fashion industry standards.
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